セカオワ マーベルとコミック共作。
you tube上で公開された番組「Re‥IMAGINE(リ・イマジン)」はそのコミックを基に、
YouTube Premium に登録して YouTube Originals を見る : https://www.youtube.com/premium/originals
After an eventful production journey of eighteen months, the reimagined music video “”Stargazer””
finally comes to life. Be the first one to watch this new edition!
Available with YouTube Premium: https://www.youtube.com/premium/originals
Available with YouTube Premium: https://www.youtube.com/premium/originals
SEKAI NO OWARI とマーベルがコミックを制作!?アメリカンコミックの老舗MARVEL編集長との出会いからプロジェクトが始動する。
実現すれば、ロックバンドではKISS、THE FLAMING LIPS以来となるアジア史上初の快挙
SEKAI NO OWARI and Marvel to make a comic book!?
SEKAI NO OWARI members meet Marvel's editor-in-chief C.B.Cebulski.
MARVEL編集長が再来日、カスタムコミック制作の第一歩は「SEKAI NO OWARI 原点の場所」で始まった。
Editor-in-Chief C.B.Cebulski visits Japan. The first comic production talk took place at the place where SEKAI NO OWARI began.
SEKAI NO OWARI がMARVELのヒーローとして描かれることが決定!キャラが持つSUPER POWERは、実際の性格から生み出すことになった。
SEKAI NO OWARI members to become marvel heroes! The SUPER POWER that a character has is based on their actual personality.
Work with the Editor-in-Chief C.B.Cebulski to come up with the hero image. and then, Comic creation finally begins in New York.
Painted by a MARVEL certified artist. and The comic book is finally completed.
Make a music video based on the comic. This is the first time Marvel has allowed to make a video in comics with musicians.
The preview finally took place.
MARVELとのミュージックビデオが遂に完成。全編がみたい方はyoutube originalに入会!
Music video finally completed. If you want to see the full version, please sign up for youtube original.
Comics are now available at the online store.